John Dale
Retiring Soon
While I am still volunteering for the NHS and Careers-Action (see below) I am slowly moving away from these to concentrate on Tarsier UK and writing a book. The idea with Tarsier UK is to move it away from being an educational charity (unregistered) on the plight of the Philippine Tarsier and while keeping some of this, moving it into being a charity that is focused on businesses being more environmental concerned and also ethical in the dealings. In the meantime, The Tarsier itself is an endangered Primate that is extraordinary in a number of ways and is related to you and me. I will still be working providing advice, audit, and investigation into complaints and customer feedback with the NHS. Have provided services for NHS England, The Parliamentary & Health Service Ombudsman, and the Cabinet Office. I Chair the National NHS Complaint Managers Forum which I founded in 2010. I am also Voluntary Director of Careers-Action Milton Keynes, a Charity and executive job club getting unemployed managers, professionals and newly qualified graduates back into work or helping them start their own businesses. 0773 645 4327 or dalejohno@aol.com

Retiring Soon
Ideas 4 Use