The Business Growth Club (the BGC) is deliberately different from any of the other business breakfast networking groups in Milton Keynes – in fact, from nearly all such groups in south central England.
You join in with our totally conversational style, inspired by a 10 minute business-related tip or topic delivered each time by a guest speaker. Not only do you have the chance to share who you are and what you do, but also what you think about the topic or tip.
There’s no standing up to say your piece or any other conventional formality. The whole meeting is conducted sitting down and you will enjoy plenty of time to say whatever you like. There are absolutely no rules.
People around the table react to what you say and relaxed, informal conversation ensues.
With the BGC you’re a person first, networker second
At each meeting you enjoy 4-5 minutes to say whatever you like about your business and who you would like to work with.
We don't do "stand and deliver, minute to win it" elevator pitches – we think they’re very boring and old fashioned. They also mean you have to sit through the same 20 sales pitches every week.
There is no joining fee and no set membership period. We really don't lock people in at all. You are free to stop coming whenever you like. Membership is just £25 per month by direct debit. That covers everything including your breakfast; there is nothing more to pay.
The BGC is all inclusive
That means absolutely everybody is welcome even if we already have a member in the same business or profession. There are no lock outs.
We have often found that people who look like competitors can really work well together and refer each other business. They can also help each other in far more practical ways because they have faced the same problems and found solutions to them.
Here at the BGC, we believe that the best genuine business referrals happen naturally between people who have developed trust through a deeper understanding of each other. There are no referrals passed in the room and no bits of paper to fill in.
Encouraging 1-2-1s and growing business relationships
We do encourage members and visitors to be clear about who they would like to be connected with.
We always encourage members and visitors to have face-to-face 1-2-1 meetings which is the best way to build great business relationships.