14Jun 2024

Business Networking Meeting - Putting Your People at the Centre of Your Change

'10 Minute Tip' by Emma Martin - Business Change Management Expert - 7am until 9:30am

Emma Martin spent a career helping businesses be the best versions of themselves - driving continuous improvement and delivering business change.

Emma started as a marketeer specialising in channel partner programmes.  She supported the administration of HP and IBM’s channel marketing budgets. Later she went on to build not one but two (award nominated) partner programmes for the largest independent full fibre platform in the UK.

Emma then found her passion for change and continuous improvement. She went on to pitch for, set up and run change and continuous improvement functions as well as the development and delivery of company roadmaps to support her company’s growth from a 50 person company to a 2,000 person company delivering £100,000,000 in revenue and supporting over 3.2million ready for service premises.

Emma has managed change programs which include company integrations, new systems and process deployments, cultural changes and restructures. In addition, she has developed transformative plans to bridge the gap between strategy, culture and targets establishing KPIs for each business area, developing a cultural framework that would support this goal.

As a qualified facilitator and change practitioner Emma has extensive knowledge and experience in the delivery of effective change and meetings.

Emma is the founder of The Business Change Hub – a one-stop shop for all your business change needs including training, consultancy and free content.

Emma works really well with organisation of between 50-300 employees in a wide variety of  industries.  The people she helps tend to be in senior roles in Project Management, Programme Management, Continuous Improvement, Transformation, Strategy, PMO, COO, Business Owners, Business Change.

She's also had great success helping smaller organisations like yours.

Pleasecontact Emma to find out how she can help you and your business navigate change. Emma is offering a 10% discount to everybody who attends this event.

About the conversation:

Putting Your People at the Centre of Your Change

People are your change

Most people focus on the “thing” that is changing putting time and effort into ensuring the new system, process or idea is the best it can possibly be. But equal focus needs to be on the people who are going to make the change a reality. You could create the best solution in the world, but if you don’t bring your people on the journey, it will stay sat on the shelf.

Be clear on the destination and your why

Why you are changing is absolutely critical to understand. You cannot control the journey, but you can have some influence on the outcome.

Change is a journey not a destination

helping you bring people along on the journey of change. The art of asking the right questions with appropriate feedback loops, active listening and making decisions based on these important conversations.

Leading the change

I’ll run through the importance of being a visible leader of the change, you have to walk the walk as well as talk the talk to make the most impact. As a leader you have to showcase that the change is important to you and the business and you will create the space, resources and support to make that change a reality.

There are two key ways this will help you

You will experience change in your personal and professional life.  You will need to help yourself and others navigate it. This session will provide top tips to help you navigate your change more effectively.

Small business owners like you may be trying to carve out a space in a competitive market. Offering something new comes with the challenges of changing someone else’s mindset to be open to something new.

This session applies just as much to changing your customers viewpoints as it does to your team.