'10 Minute Tip' by Kate Payne
Kate Payne works with members of the Board and Senior Leadership teams, providing an independent, critical insight to help resolve business critical issues quickly.Kate Payne combines extensive commercial and business knowledge with strong finance skills, being a qualified accountant, to produce sustainable profitable changes and results. Kate Payne is particularly adept at engaging with senior stakeholders in politically-charged and sensitive situations, driving buy-in to change to achieve significant benefits realisation. Kate Payne's areas of expertise include:- assessing strategic options for under-performing businesses, business units, or key initiatives; - leading the transformation of businesses, business units, functions or initiatives;- performing deep due diligence for M&A activity, big-ticket contracts to ensure profitability; - managing large scale change initiatives, programmes or projects.
About the conversation:
Know your strengths – how to have the "balls" to let go and let your business grow!
As a small business owner have you developed a “do it all” mentality? It’s a trap many fall into unintentionally.
OK, you chose to be the master of your own destiny. And of course, when setting out as a start-up money is often in short supply. You have to learn to wear as many hats as possible to get your business up and running.
Seeking help usually has to wait until you have enough regular business and income to pay others to do the things you’re not so good at or don’t enjoy doing.
But now you are earning enough, have you remembered you don’t have to do everything yourself? Do you know why you shouldn't? Have you got the balls to let go of the tasks you can outsource so you can focus on what you‘re really good at?
In this 10 Minute Tip business analyst and consultant Kate Payne from Bradley Brown Consulting, will share what you need to do to move on from that multi-tasking approach which can so seriously hamper your next phase of business growth.
No matter how hard it is to let go, if you want to grow, you need to know what Kate recommends.
Don’t miss it. Book Now!